January 11
"For it became him, for whom are all things,
and by whom are all things, in bringing many sons unto glory, to make the captain of their
salvation perfect through sufferings" (Heb. 2:10).
The metaphor, "captain of their salvation" portrays Christ as the cause and
originator of salvation. He is the active, dynamic agent in effecting salvation of which
He Himself is the cause, Jesus Christ is the captain who leads His followers progressively
on through the entire process of salvation--from justification to glorification.
As the captain of our salvation, Christ leads His saved sons and daughters from stage to
stage in the salvation process. Not only does He save us from the guilt and dominion of
sin through His vicarious sacrifice, but He also leads us on to the ultimate end of full
salvation. The captain of our salvation leads His people successfully over the booby traps
and mine fields of the enemy. He is fully conversant with the battlefield and strategy of
our adversary. As captain of our salvation, He motivates us, challenges us, encourages us,
and enables us as He leads us into victory.
Today's devotional text is a reminder that God has made Christ the captain of our
salvation. Our captain went all the way from the manger to the ascension. Nothing was left
undone. Christ has effected our salvation with unerring precision and accuracy.
All who accept Christ have been enlisted in God's army. This army is under the capable
leadership of the captain of our salvation who has been severely tested in the battle and
has been triumphant. Through Him we too can be "more than conquerors" (Romans
8:37). As we follow the captain of our salvation, may we always be encouraged by these
words: "As we work under the Captain of our salvation, faithfully obeying His orders,
our characters are developed. Through His merits we are enabled to work in harmony with
God's great plan."--Review and Herald, April 12, 1898.
My Prayer Today: Lord, may the captain of my salvation lead me on to victory.
Amen. |