February 13 THE OVERSEER OF OUR SOULS "For you were like sheep going astray, but now you have returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls" (1 Peter 2:25, NIV). Given Peter's intimate experience with, and love for, Jesus, we can appreciate why he uses so many meaningful titles for his Master. Here he speaks of Christ as "the Shepherd and Overseer." Since we have previously discussed Christ's role as Shepherd, we will focus today on the title, "Overseer." Originally, this title was applied to one who was responsible to inspect and watch over public works or other enterprises. In the New Testament, it describes those who are appointed to watch over and safeguard the interest of the church. To Peter, Christ is the supreme Overseer of God's church. He sees Jesus Christ as the great guardian and universal bishop of His church. In His tender solicitude, Jesus oversees the church which He has purchased with His own precious blood (see Revelation 5:9). As the Overseer of our lives, Christ watches over us with eternal vigilance and tender watch care. Jesus is ever present through the Holy Spirit to provide supervision, direction, protection, and defense. Today, we may rest in full assurance that Jesus Christ, as the founder, foundation, and guardian of His church never ceases to oversee His interest. He will never end His role as Overseer of His church until He presents her "to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless" (Ephesians 5:27, NIV). Speaking of those who are the subject of Christ's constant interest, we have this counsel: "They are to cherish a constant sense of the Saviour's love, of His efficiency, His watchfulness, His tenderness. They are to look to Him as the shepherd and bishop of their souls... Christ will be their joy and crown of rejoicing." --Counsels To Teachers, p. 284. My Prayer Today: Lord, I am comforted that Jesus is the Overseer of my soul. In gratitude I reaffirm my faith in Him today. Amen. |