July 2


"A light to bring revelation to the Gentiles, and the glory of Your people Israel" (Luke 2:32, NKJV).

The parents of the baby Jesus had just arrived at the temple courts for the dedication of the Christ child. Moved by the Holy Spirit, the devout Simeon showed up to pray. Overshadowed by the Spirit, he picked up the baby Jesus in his arms and presented Him to God in prayer. In his memorable prayer, Simeon referred to Christ as "a light to bring revelation to the Gentiles, and the glory of Your people Israel" (Luke 2:32, NKJV).

In His divine providence, God had chosen Israel as a nation to reveal His glory. Israel was to be the custodian and herald of truth and light (see Romans 3:1, 2). Israel was blessed with a veritable flood of glory through the law, the prophets, the sacrificial system, and other manifestations of divine glory. God's people were to be ambassadors of grace and truth to all nations. They were to be an object lesson of divine glory. Tragically, Israel failed in meeting God's expectations.

It was at this point in history that Christ came as "The Glory of Israel." He became the ultimate manifestation of God's glory to all humanity. By His sinless life, the matchless wonder of His miracles, His vicarious death on the cross, and His marvelous resurrection, Christ demonstrated God's glory to the world. Finally, through spiritual Israel, the gospel is to be taken to all the world, In this way, "God's glory is to be revealed, His word established, and Christ's kingdom set up to give deliverance to the world."--Review and Herald, January 25, 1906.

My Prayer Today: O Lord, You are the glory of Your people. May that glory be my only glory. Amen.