November 11 THE HEAVENLY MASTER "And masters, treat your slaves in the same way. Do no threaten them, since you know that he who is both their Master and yours is in heaven, and there is no favoritism with him" (Ephesians 6:9, NIV). The setting of this portrait of Christ is Paul's discourse to slaves and their masters. It is evident that in the early Christian church there were converted slave owners who were living according to their measure of spiritual understanding and sense of responsibility. Addressing both Christian masters and their Christian slaves, Paul gave a series of spiritual counsels and directives. Where masters and slaves were fellow members of the body of Christ, Paul urged that their relationship be one of mutual respect, goodwill, and Christian consideration. He appealed to masters not to engage in threatening, harsh language, cruel punishment, or forced obedience since these are incompatible with the Spirit of Christ our heavenly Master. Christian masters were reminded that all mankind, be they slaves or masters, are subject to one heavenly Master. Paul further counseled masters that their treatment of their slaves is a matter for which the heavenly Master will ultimately hold them strictly accountable. In the day of reckoning, He will deal fairly and justly with both masters and slaves without favoritism or partiality. The heavenly Master cannot be influenced by externals such as rank, status, or position. Regardless of the disparity of social status, we all owe allegiance to one supreme Master, Jesus Christ who is Lord of all. "The heavenly Master has intrusted you with the mine of truth, and you are to work out its treasures, to display its gems, and unveil its attractions, not merely when giving a discourse, but in your daily life you are to show the constraining, transforming power of the truth."--Review and Herald, January 21, 1890. My Prayer Today: Lord, I pledge You my full allegiance as my heavenly Master. I am Yours and Yours alone. Amen. |